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terça-feira, 25 de abril de 2017

iPhone 8: Duas baterias em um design reutilizado?

Mas nós acreditamos nos rumores?

A onda do Galaxy S8 começou a refletir-se, o ciclo de rumores ao redor do novo iPhone 8 cala-se discretamente. Dessa vez foi Benjamin Geskin quem publicou no Twitter o diagrama interno do próximo smartphone onde nós podemos observar a presença de duas baterias.

Em amarelo nós podemos ver a bateria tradicional, a mesma que aparece no iPhone 7, e em laranja podemos observar uma bateria menor que poderia servir de complemento. 

O smartphone poderia carregar uma bateria maior e em formato de L, com uma capacidade de 2700 mAh. De acordo com o analista, esse é o último modelo de smartphone, com display OLED que se beneficia desse novo sistema de carga.

O diagrama de Geskin também revela outras pequenas inovações, como a presença da tecnologia True Tone (luminosidade que se adapta de acordo com o contexto) e carregamento wireless. O painel ID foi mantido na interface frontal, mas será que ele ficará por baixo da tela?

De acordo com o calendário oficial, o lançamento do novo smartphone está confirmado. De acordo com a KGI, a Apple teria prorrogado seu lançamento de Outubro para Novembro.

Locky, uma nova onda de spams

Diversas companhias de segurança virtual detectaram uma nova onda de spams se espalhando através do sistema Locky.

Locky foi a estrela do mercado de ransonware em 2016, mas no final do ano sua popularidade caiu lentamente conforme surgia uma nova variante de ranzungware, chamada Cerber. Conforme informado pela companhia Malwarebytes, essa evolução se deve, em particular, pela decisão dos operadores de botnet Necus e seu distanciamento com relação ao já antigo ransonware.

Mas diversas companhias de cibersegurança soaram o alerta cedo nesta semana, após terem noticiado uma nova onda de ataques spam. Conforme informado por Talos, essa nova onda de e-mails foi detectada ontem e parece vir da botnet Necurs. Aparentemente, os operadores da botnet finalmente  decidiram se reconectar a seus sistemas antigos e utilizar ransonware sua infra-estrutura.

Após o documento contaminado ser aberto no word, a seguinte imagem aparece ao usuário para que ele então permita o uso de macros, o que permite que o vírus execute o download dos programas que irão criptografar seus arquivos pessoais.

Após completa a infecção, os arquivos se encontram criptografados com a extensão .osiris e os cibercriminosos então pedem um resgate de 0,5 bitcoins (aproximadamente 1800 reais) para a devolução dos dados.

segunda-feira, 24 de abril de 2017

Raspberry Pi: 12.5 milhões de unidades vendidas

Um número que marca o sucesso do nano computador, inicialmente planejado para uma audiência muito menor, mas os números merecem ser colocados em perspectiva.

A fundação Raspberry tem muito a fazer com seus 12.5 milhões de unidades vendidas. A britânica está em direção ao 3º lugar no podium de computadores mais vendidos no mundo. Finalmente, é tudo uma questão de ponto de vista: a fundação anunciou que ultrapassou a marca de 12.5 milhões de Raspberry Pi vendidos, combinando-se todos os modelos. O criador do projeto Eben Upton explicou que Raspberry Pi destronou o Commodore 64, tirando-o de seu 3º lugar no pódium, logo atrás do Mac e PC.

Obviamente, as categorias aqui são bastante abrangentes e seus componentes devem ser colocados em perspectiva. Vamos olhar as vendas do Commodore 64, que estão longe de um consenso: de acordo com os dados publicados pela companhia, baseando-se nos resultados publicados em 1993, Commodore vendeu 17 milhões de unidades, excluindo-se da conta o seu sucessor, Commodore 128, a última evolução de sua arquitetura.

O Raspberry Pi de fato destronou o Commodore 64? É difícil compara-los em ordem de grandeza que não são comparáveis. O que fica claro, por outro lado, é que o Raspberry Pi se mantém um grande sucesso: originalmente lançado com uma proposta puramente educacional, o Raspberry Pi foi um projeto experimental e foi produzido, a princípio, em alguns milhares de cópias. Mas o sucesso crescente do pequeno computador de fato abriu um novo mercado, no qual ele engoliu grandes fabricantes, como a Intel.

Windows 10 CloudBooks: Microsoft's strategy against Chromebooks

The minimum specifications for devices running Windows 10 Cloud to compete with Chromebooks in the education market have just been made public.

Windows Central has found a Microsoft Confidential document that describes the recommended minimum specifications for Windows 10 CloudBooks.

Windows 10 CloudBooks do not lie about their name: these devices were designed to compete with Chromebooks and embed the still unofficial cloud edition of Windows 10. Windows 10 Cloud and some compatible devices would however be presented at an event on 2 May in New York.

Not much to do with the cloud

Windows 10 Cloud, as far as we know it at the moment, has little to do with the cloud. This is a low-end version of Windows 10 designed to run only the applications contained in the Windows 10 Store. This is an evolution of Windows RT and Windows 7 Starter Edition. The update of Windows 10 Cloud to Windows 10 Professional will be possible say some testers.

The recommended minimum specifications of Windows 10 CloudBook published by Windows Central indicate that the first devices running Windows 10 Cloud should have at least Celeron Quad-core; 4 GB of RAM; 32 GB of storage (or 64 GB for 64-bit versions); A battery of more than 40 WHr; Fast eMMC or Solid State Drive (SSD) for storage. The pen and the touch pad are optional.

The disclosed document states that these devices will run the Windows 10 Cloud Creators Update (Redstone 2) and will not necessarily have to wait for Redstone 3, which will be released in September. This makes sense given that the school market is preparing for the re-entry from September to early summer. There is no mention of ARM-based CloudBooks in the document, but it is certain that Windows 10 Cloud will work on Intel-based and ARM-based devices.

Microsoft and its partners are directly targeting Chromebooks with these devices equipped with Windows 10 CloudBook explains the document. The lifetime of each battery cycle of these devices must be more than 10 hours, which in term of marketing translates to "all day".

I'm curious as to whether Microsoft will go to hardware with CloudBook, not necessarily with a Surface device, but with a high-end machine similar to the Chromebook Pixel.

Galaxy S8: an update for red screens

The world number one has not dragged on to address this problem of reddish hue that seems to affect some users.

After the fiasco of Note 7, the Galaxy S8 is logically scrutinized closely. And while the first South Korean buyers received their smartphone, embarrassing testimonials begin to multiply on social networks. Many users thus report a persistent red tint on the screen, a particularly embarrassing defect when we know that the screen is the number one trump card of the terminal.

Images of these red screens are multiplying on local forums like Ppomppu and Ruliweb. The query "Galaxy S8 red screen" is also leading the search for the Naver engine, the most popular in the country.

Obviously, it is too early to say that the S8 suffers from a technical problem but for Samsung, the wound of Note 7 being barely closed, the slightest polemic could still hurt. So his reaction was not long in ensuring that it was "not a quality problem and this can be adjusted in the settings of the smartphone".

However, the world number one decided to push an update that would complement the functionality of color optimization of telephones. This will also increase the range of colors that users can define, he said. The software update applies to all Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus models and will be performed automatically. The company reaffirmed that there was no quality problem with the new phones. According to local media, the update will come this week.

And to take no risks, the manufacturer indicated that if the proposed software update did not solve the problem of the red veil, the terminal could be exchanged in the shop. Details of these exchanges were not disclosed.

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Datacenters: an ultra-dominated US market

According to Cloudscene's quarterly study released this week, the global data center market is largely dominated by North American players. This is unfortunately also true in Europe, where the local players are absent from the Top 5 continental.

Image result for USA in a cloud

Cloudscene released this week its quarterly study on the universe of data centers, Internet points of presence and cloud service providers. The least that can be said is that the dominance of the USA on this world market is undivided.

In North America, two players stand out: the Californians Equinix, which operates 153 datacenters, and Digital Realty which owns 174. They are followed by CoreSite, based in Denver, Colorado, Zayo based in Boulder also in Colorado , And Century Link headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana.

More surprising and a little worrying, the European market is also dominated by actors from across the Atlantic: when one observes the Top 10 data center operators in Europe, one finds this domination of the North Americans with in the " Equinix, Interxion, Telehouse, Digital Realty, Global Switch and Level 3 Communications. The first European actor is Nikhef, only 7th: it is an atomic research center based in the Netherlands, which operates for the needs of its scientific activities a data center in Amsterdam. The 8th and first commercial operator of European origin is English Colt, and only one French infrastructure operator appears in the top ten Europeans: it is Orange, which is ninth with its subsidiary Orange Business Services. The Top 10 is completed by a Romanian actor, NXData.

The main traffic exchange point in Europe is the Dutch NL-ix, whose 142 members serve a hundred data centers in more than a dozen countries and which alone accounts for nearly 2 Tb / s of Internet traffic.

Globally, 41.6% of North America, 40.4% in Europe, 9.5% in Asia and 8.5% in Oceania (1), have access to more than 14,000 Internet points of service managed by data-processing operators analyzed by Cloudscene.

The facts are there. We in Europe are extremely dependent on technical infrastructures managed by private companies whose decision-making centers are located in the USA. The election of Donald Trump has led to more uncertainty, particularly as to the political decisions that could be made: the new US administration could completely abandon the preservation of the neutrality of the Net and make decisions towards more protectionism. Given all this, would it not be appropriate to launch a major European Internet infrastructure policy that would favor the development of international players with their headquarters in Europe?

(1) In this note I have summarized under the term "Europe" what Cloudscene means by the acronym EMEA, namely Europe, Middle East and Africa, because it is according to this geographical division which is The world's leading IT providers. However, it is Europe that makes up the bulk of the EMEA area in terms of data centers, as Africa still has very little capacity.
As for the absence of South America, I asked Cloudscene who said that I have the greatest difficulty in obtaining data on this region, whose actors are not yet very transparent. Cloudscene hopes to be able to integrate South America into its studies in the near future, we will have a clearer idea of ​​who are the players in the data center market in Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.

HTML5: DRM integration and Netflix

In April, the W3C will have to decide once and for all on the standardization plan for Encrypted Media Extension (EME). This technology, loudly demanded by Netflix et al., Is described by its opponents as a DRM within traditionally open web standards.

Image result for HTML 5 and netflix

EME: behind this term a little obscure hides a conflict deemed fundamental by the defenders of the web and free software. The controversy is not new: the Encrypted Media Extensions is a technology similar to a DRM, a tool to control the diffusion of films or works protected by copyright. With the emergence of a major player in the field of streaming (Netflix, of course, you are thinking), the pressure has gradually strengthened at W3C so that the web standards organization introduces a mechanism of this type within the standard HTML5.

W3C Steeplebreaks

The debate has been raging since 2013, but the task force assigned to this task at the W3C must now reach a final decision. The last proposal of the working group was published on 16 March. This is the result of the work of the group dedicated to EME, which obviously includes Netflix, but also other players such as Microsoft and Google.

This proposal is now in the hands of the consortium's advisory committee, which has until April 13 to make its decision. The committee can choose to accept the proposal and make it a new web standard, or may ask the working group to review its copy.

The issue of the Encrypted Media Extension has been raging for several years within the W3C, with on the one hand fierce opponents of this idea and on the other side of the defenders of the principle. The argument often put forward by opponents of this system is that EMEs introduce proprietary code into web standards, which until then were entirely free.

This solution is likely to cause many edge effects and in particular raises the question of the ability of independent security researchers to audit the code of this technology in search of fault. On the other side, the defenders of the EME explain that this technology is necessary to allow the development of service of video in streaming without questioning the copyright.

It is interesting to note that browsers did not wait for the W3C decision to implement the EME: Chrome was one of the first to propose it, and Firefox, in spite of its initial opposition to the project, eventually ranked Competition and also introduce EME technology. In this context, it is difficult to hope that the opponents of standardization of the EMEs can succeed.

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Microsoft, AWS and Google unleash new cloud war

Cloud giants have begun again to reduce their prices, but this time into new areas of cloud services.

Cloud computing giants may have triggered a new price war, this time on storage.

Until recently, price reductions among cloud computing offerings were mainly confined to virtual machines, while other services provided constant or growing margins. But according to analysts, the declines have moved beyond the calculation, in storage and databases.

Margin always comfortable for suppliers
In a cloud pricing analysis, 451 Research estimates that the cloud price battlefield has moved from virtual machines to object storage, and predicts that other services, starting with databases, will see pressure Decline in prices over the next 18 months.

Analysts observe that prices of object storage declined in all regions, including a drop of 14% in the last 12 months. Virtual machine prices only fell by 5% over the same period.

Price reductions in cloud storage began in the third quarter of 2016, according to 451 Research, with tariff cuts in object storage at IBM SoftLayer. Google, AWS and then Microsoft followed with decreases in storage.

"Cloud providers seem to be playing aggressive games by blowing the whistle, lowering the price of object storage so it does not look expensive," said Jean Atelsek, an analyst at 451 Research.

"This is the first time that there has been a major price war outside of computing, and this reflects the shift from object storage to the mass market.If the price cuts are good news for cloud buyers , They are now confronted with a new level of complexity when comparing suppliers, "he notes.

Storage has become central in price cuts as cloud vendors want to win big deals that migrate out of the company's data-centers to the cloud.

And cloud computing providers show no signs suggesting limited room for maneuver in terms of declining. For example, even after a long series of price reductions for virtual machines, vendors still achieve - at minimum - a margin of 30%.

"There is little data suggesting that the cloud is close to convenience status" reports 451 Research, which predicts relational databases are likely to be the next battlefield of the price war.

Why the Giroptic start-up in Lille crashes the screen

With its iO camera, the start-up in Lille intends to conquer the world thanks to its advanced technology and the support of social networks.

The small, brightly colored camera clips onto a smartphone, designed to shoot 360 degree videos that can be viewed with a virtual reality headset. On April 18, at the annual Facebook Developers' Conference (Facebook 8), at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California, all guests had the Giroptic iO camera on hand. A nice advertising stroke for the start-up Lille, designer of the craft, adept media performances. Last year, Richard Branson invited his founder, Richard Ollier, to "pitcher" at Necker Island, his private island in the Caribbean.

Facebook Partner

For more than a year, the little Frenchman traces his way amid colossi like Samsung and Nikon, who also launched their cameras 360 degrees. "Giroptic has several years of experience in the 360 ​​degree camera and the ability to produce on an industrial scale," says Romain Lavault, partner at Partech Ventures , One of Giroptic's investors. Better: compatible with Apple devices since its release last December, at 249 euros, it will be marketed at the end of April in version suitable for smartphones running Android.

Facebook's invitation to the heart of Silicon Valley was a total surprise. "On January 23rd, we received a purchase order of 4,400 coins from Facebook and an invitation to participate as a Facebook F8 partner," exclaims Richard Ollier, 37, with stars in his eyes. One factor has played in its favor: the camera is also compatible with Facebook Live, which allows live video on the social network. This is the secret boot of Giroptic: the sharing of images on social networks. Its patented solution supports shooting at once. While its competitors must restore the 360-degree image with software. "The use is not to store photos, but to share moments with friends," argues Richard Ollier.

Since the announcement of Facebook, "the box turns full, including weekends," he tells while wandering in the open space, within the incubator EuraTechnologies, installed in the former red brick spinning . In one year, the young sho has almost doubled its workforce, from 25 to 45 employees in Lille. It opened in 2016 an office in San Francisco, directed by Pascal Brocher, a former electronic Arts video game giant. A dozen recruits are expected.

New round of table in sight

Giroptic had to force his destiny to achieve notoriety. Originally, in 2008, the company was developing 360-degree imaging solutions for real estate professionals. It rotated in 2014 to manufacture a camera for the general public, the Giroptic 360cam, and counter the first sports cameras, such as the GoPro. The adventure could have ended very quickly: a violent conflict opposed him to his former partner Decathlon, with whom he had to market a panoramic camera. An amicable agreement was reached the following year, but the dispute delayed the start-up.

As a result, Giroptic received $ 1.5 million from Kickstarter's participatory financing platform and won 4,000 pre-orders. By the end of 2015, start-up raised 4.5 million euros from investors. The difficulties now seem to come from the past: Giroptic is preparing a new round, which Richard Ollier hopes to double-digits.

Apple will finally rethink its Mac Pro

During a press conference, several Apple directors spoke on the future of the Mac Pro. It had a new version in 2013, which had a special design that made it difficult to improve. 

A new Mac Pro is in preparation at Apple according to several US media. Finally will say some, but the manufacturer explains wanting to take his time so as not to repeat the errors of the latest version. In 2013, Apple introduced a new Mac with a unique and circular design. A rather original approach to the computer market, rather accustomed to the good old rectangular towers or the central units integrated to the screen at Apple.

But this unique design posed many problems for the replacement of parts and the installation of new components: those provided by the market were not necessarily adapted to the design of the Mac Pro and these design choices greatly limited the possibilities of the users Who wanted to improve the performance of their machine.

"We wanted to do something different and daring. What we did not foresee at the time was that this approach would lock us in a framework, a circular framework in this instance, "said Craig Federighi, software development manager for Apple. Apple's brand leaders have clearly indicated that the instruction given to engineers currently working on the project and to put the Mac Pro design into perspective in order to allow more room for maneuver for those who would like to install or improve The components.

For now, however, we will not know much more. Apple executives have explained that the first announcements for the Mac Pro Renewal will not see the day before 2018. The team responsible for developing this new design is working on the subject and the product is likely to Stay in the Apple cartons until it is fully finalized.

Meanwhile, Apple will boost the performance of its Mac Pro line, giving them graphics cards and upgraded processors. But for those who are not satisfied with the Mac Pro 2013, they can obviously recommend that they wait and see what 2018 will be theirs.

sexta-feira, 21 de abril de 2017

The LG G6 smartphone, the awesome anti-Galaxy S8 weapon from Samsung

TEST A few days after the official launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8, the main competitors are filling their weapons to try to cope with the tidal wave of the Korean brand's new smartphone. Like the LG launching the G6, a device dreadful for more than one reason.

If LG knows how to make good smartphones, it is always difficult to win in the world top 5. The Korean consumer electronics giant does not succeed in singing his Samsung companion, who has managed to secure himself on the top step of the podium, ahead of Apple, Huawei and two other Chinese brands unknown in Europe (Oppo and Vivo). The Galaxy S8, Samsung's new smartphone, will have the heavy task of forgetting the recent setbacks of the Galaxy Note 7, which was taken off the sale for battery defects.

LG therefore needs iconic flagships to try to stick to the leaders. In 2016, it sold 55 million smartphones when the world number 5 Vivo was 77 million devices (and the world number one took off with 311.4 million units sold). And the G6, the latest born, can be the sesame of a new era for the builder who makes the choice of reason here with a device that falls into the ranks. The new premium smartphone of the brand wants to be the most gathering possible and breaks radically with the technological bets of its predecessors, such as the choice of modular for the G5 for example. "We remain a challenger," said Stéphane Curtelin, marketing manager for France, "the G5 was a bold product." 2017 announces the age of reason and reconstruction for LG, over time and with a road map behind.

The age of Reason

And this age of reason is realized first of all by a classic design for the G6 that no longer seeks to be cleavage. Place to metal and glass for very premium finishes. With a large place made on the screen which is the great novelty of this device. LG is part of the great trend spring summer 2017 by pushing the boundaries of the screen and proposing a quasi border-less slab in 18: 9 format. The manufacturer manages to hold a 5.7-inch screen in a device case equivalent to that of a 5.2-inch. Either the screen of a tablet that holds and can be ordered with one hand. That is the G6's great strength. All the more so with its resolution QuadHD Plus (2.880x1.440 pixels) and Dolby Vision technology, it offers here a very high quality image that will delight fans of videos on smartphone. This format is rather convincing to use is not free of defects since all applications and videos (in 16: 9) are not yet optimized for such a display. It will not be unusual to have black bands that will limit the interest.

Another undeniable advantage of the G6, the dual camera. It takes again the dual objective of the G5 with two sensors of 13 million pixels one of which offers a normal angle of 71 ° and the other a wide angle of 125 °, very appreciable to make pictures with a very viewing angle large. The result is amazing whether it is day or night. This is undoubtedly the other strength of the G6. Another point to note is the possibility of making selfies with an angle of 100 degrees, in order not to exclude his comrades in the image.

On the technical level, the configuration offered here is part of the top of the range, with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 quad-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, 32 GB of storage, a 3.300 mAh battery capacity ... Another advantage is IP68 Which makes the device resistant to water and dust.

President of the Orange bank announces launch "from July 6"

Orange Bank will not charge fees for bank cards or account maintenance fees, Stéphane Richard, the group's CEO, said.

Orange bank, the new banking service of Orange telecom operator Orange, will be launched "from July 6", announced on Thursday April 20 the CEO of the group Stéphane Richard at the "Show Hello" where he presented the innovations of group. Orange Bank will not charge fees for bank cards or account maintenance fees, he said.

"We have reinvented the uses for this bank: opening accounts with scanned documents, transfers by messages, you can pay by mobile without contact or with the bank card, welcomed the leader in front of the press.

Orange Bank's offer, initially available to employees of the telecom group from mid-May onward, will include an account, a card, an authorized overdraft and a paid savings account "He said in a press release. Credit and insurance services will be offered.

No income requirement will be required, also indicates the group that aims to conquer 2 million futures customers. The latter will be advised by a virtual adviser, with artificial learning intelligence developed by IBM, which by the end of the year "will even perform tasks at the request of customers" such as making transfers or saving.

Tesla and Elon Musk make a cardboard at Wall Street

Tesla earns more than 5% and set a historic high on Wall Street on Monday after delivering record deliveries in the first quarter, up 69% from the same period of 2016.

This is what we call a good day. Tesla earns more than 5% and set a historic high on Wall Street on Monday after the release of record deliveries in the first quarter, up 69% from the same period of 2016. The title of the electric car manufacturer hit A record of $ 294.15, improving its previous highest dating back to 2014, and it at 15:45 GMT it retains a gain of 5.30% to 293.05 dollars.

With a market capitalization of 47.8 billion dollars (44.9 billion euros), Tesla returns to Ford and 45.2 billion, especially as the latter declines 2.92% on Wall Street after the " Announced a 7% decline in its car sales in March to 236,250 units.

25,000 vehicles sold in the first quarter

Tesla announced on Sunday that its deliveries in the first quarter had reached the record of 25,000 vehicles. The group led by billionaire Elon Musk said it has delivered 13,540 Model S sedans and 11,550 SUV Model X. It has added aiming between 47,000 and 50,000 deliveries of its two models throughout the first half of 2017.

Production in the first quarter also reached a record level of 25,418 units. In the fourth quarter, shipments fell 9.4% due to production delays related to the transition to a new automated piloting software.

Tesla, which is preparing to launch a third car, the Model 3, before the end of the year, revealed last week that Chinese technology giant Tencent Holdings had taken a passive stake of 5% in its capital for a sum Of 1.78 billion dollars (1.64 billion euros).

Quando a microsoft confunde trilhões com bilhões

Em campanha publicitária, Microsoft confunde trilhões e bilhões. Não se trata de um erro de cálculo, mas sim de tradução.

O anúncio mostra um mosquito segurado por uma pinça na borda de um tubo de testes. A legenda diz: "Esse dispositivo só precisa de 12 horas para realizar 7 trilhões de exames de DNA". 7 trilhões? O número é enorme. O melhor dispositivo do mundo só seria capaz de realizar 100 bilhões, nas melhores condições. Anúncio falso? Na verdade foi um simples erro de tradução, o anúncio americano dizia "7 trilhões", mas a palavra trilhão foi utilizada baseando-se numa escala extensa, utilizada na França, onde um trilhão representa um bilhão de bilhões, enquanto as publicações científicas americanas utilizam uma escala curta.
Vamos esperar que os próximos computadores sejam capazes de traduzir e identificar erros como esse.

A pro-trump arrested for causing an epileptic fit via a tweet

The US authorities have just made the first arrest of a suspect accused of cyber-harassment. He had sent a tweet to a journalist in order to provoke a crisis of epilepsy in him.

With our correspondent in Washington, Jean-Louis Pourtet

On December 15, in the evening, Kurt Eichenwald, a former New York Times reporter withdrew in Dallas, followed by 318,000 Internet users on Twitter, receives a tweet. When he opens it, he reads: "You deserve a crisis for your messages," against a background of strobe light. This is known to trigger epileptic seizures.


Eichenwald, who had mentioned his illness in an article, had a crisis which he took time to recover: left hand handicapped, difficulty speaking. The author of the tweet wanted to punish the reporter for his criticisms against Trump. The police were able to find him and while searching his computer discovered messages referring to the tweet as well as research on epilepsy.

Forty messages

John Rivello, 29, who identified himself as Jew Goldstein, the "Jew Goldstein," resides in Maryland and is expected to be transferred to Texas for questioning. He faces up to ten years in prison. Eichenwald thanked the police for his arrest but reported that since the incident he had received forty other messages with a strobe light.

Futuristic Sea Bubble soon to sail

It looks like a bubble boards on wheels and offers four seats. The Sea Bubble is the latest browser of the project Alain Thébault, father of l'Hydroptère, co-designed with Eric Tabarly. This brief funny electric boat can take passengers on the Seine River, the Thames or Lake Geneva. The first SeaBubble tests occurred in March 2017 South of France and were very convincing for a prototype. Future versions should see their redesigned design to meet the futuristic contours.

Sea Bubble is a boat that goes on skates, but it is much more like a taxi than Formula 1. "These are my daughters who caused the trigger," says Alain Thébault. Day: It's great to have beaten the record speed sail, but what can you do to be useful to the planet? "
Impressed by the number of traffic jams in the streets along a river or lake, as imagined in Paris or Geneva, a transportation system that combines flexibility, comfort and silence. He takes his laptop and started to draw.
These capsules are powered by a motor and battery (powered by solar panels) and barely touches the water with its unprecedented design. They can be used as an environmentally friendly transportation solution for tourists and Ile-de-France in search of air travel.
Long convinced that the future belongs to seaplanes, Alain Thébault immediately envision a boat mounted on leaves (runners) with four seats and able to get out of the water at low speed. With his experience, forged his successes and failures, stresses the importance of starting with pencil drawings. "I started the sea bubble project myself, I have to use common sense, I work as a high tech farmer, and only after that I use engineers using their computers."
His bubble of the sea design seduce Henry Seydoux, the chief of Parrot (who supports financially) and the city of Paris. Paris Anne Hidalgo wants to be the first city to have this new river vehicle for urban areas. These funny flying cars can sail on the River Seine in 2018 to lighten the streets of the capital. A video of two bubbles that cross the sea at the foot of the tower would certainly be the most beautiful effect. London expressed interest, as did Hong Kong.
This navigation skids several advantages that significantly reduces drag, the "bubble" does not create waves that can damage the seats, provides comfort to the passengers with its smoothest movement and needs 30 to 40% less energy at the same rate. This makes it very suitable for the electric drive unit. This part does not represent any particular difficulty, nor the choice of batteries. And Alain Thébault, "the choice of an electric motor will allow the sea bubble to go into protected areas."

The enthusiasm and optimism did not leave Alain Thébault. Sold at least 500 sea bubbles in the world. First, the "Bubbles" will work as vehicles with driver (VTC), with similar prices. But the goal is to make it fully automatic and autonomous.

Drums are with Durmistic

The battery can be a voluminous instrument. Being able to train anywhere, anytime on the drums. This is the idea behind the connected Drumistic sensors that allow drummers to practice in any condition.

Difficult to carry with you. Not to mention noise that can quickly cause conflicts with neighbors. However, percussionists, like other musicians, must train. This is where Drumistic comes a tool made by drummers for drummers as the company claims. There is a sensor system to be attached to conventional bars. Hyper light, it is connected to your smartphone through an application (iOS and Android for now, Windows in preparation). All you have to do is use a battery, a cushion, a desk ... The world becomes your instrument.
The application saves your sessions with Bluetooth and lets you play them. But beware, we're not talking about it! Sensors and shock or impact rods reach areas of rods. These sessions will also be converted into a score! A blessing when you know how difficult they can be for a battery. This is a must for professionals and enthusiasts. It also enables progress through personalized interactive purchases. The complete package also allows you to train your feet by installing sensors on the bass drum or charley. The sensors have a micro-USB in life and charge the battery 8 hours.
Although it is a less visible area, the connected music is developing gradually and offering interesting innovations. In March 2017, the ReMIDI T8 secured funds in the Kickstarter to create gloves to become a composer. In addition, Drumistic chopsticks is not the first connected project. Aerodrums surfed the same concept. However, this PS3 needed. Much less portable than Drumistic so!
First deliveries are scheduled for March 2018.

After the fiasco of Note 7, Samsung plays big with its Galaxy S8

In South Korea, more than one million copies of the S8 and S8 +, which is larger, have already been ordered.

Samsung launched on Friday its new Galaxy S8 in South Korea, a milestone for a group that seeks to redo an image after the fiasco of Note 7 and the incarceration of its vice president. This is the first major launch of the South Korean conglomerate since the humiliating planetary recall of the Galaxy Note 7, whose production had been stopped in the fall because of the risk of explosion of this device.

Samsung Electonics is barely emerging from one of the worst sequences in its history since its vice-president Lee Jae-Yong, who is also the heir of the group, and several of its executives are currently judged for their involvement in the resounding scandal Of corruption that precipitated the dismissal of former President Park Geun-Hye.

Even so, the profits of the world's largest smartphone manufacturer have never stopped rising. The Galaxy S8, which was unveiled at the end of March in New York, was also very well received by the specialists.

In South Korea, more than one million copies of the S8 and S8 +, which is larger, have already been ordered. Friday mid-day, the Samsung Electronics title rose 2.23% to 2.059 million won. "The market response to the launch of the S8 series is rather positive," said Lee Seung-Woo of IBK Investment Securities. He estimated that the South Korean group could beat the record number of sold copies that had been set by the S7 series at 48.5 million units.

Ubisoft joins Tencent for a new mobile gaming license in China

The agreement with these two partners "marks an important step in Ubisoft's mobile strategy in the growing markets," said Ubisoft.

The French video game publisher Ubisoft announced on Thursday (April 20th) the launch in May of a new game license from the saga "Might and Magic Heroes", exclusively for mobile players in China and published by the giant of the " Internet Tencent. The video game "Might and Magic Heroes: Era of Chaos" will be published by Tencent, a leading Internet service company in China, which includes the WeChat social network, ubiquitous in the country, and developed by Playcrab, a subsidiary of Ourpalm specializing in Action and strategy games, says a release from Ubisoft.

The agreement with these two partners "marks an important step in Ubisoft's mobile strategy in the growing markets," said Ubisoft. "The mobile segment is growing rapidly and experts believe it is possible that the video game market in China has already surpassed that of the United States, previously considered the largest market in the world," it is still specified.

The series "Might and Magic Heroes" was launched in 1995, and since then "millions of Chinese fans and elsewhere around the world have played the seven episodes of the franchise," Ubisoft said in his statement.

quinta-feira, 20 de abril de 2017

Business bank accounts for freelancers

If you are a freelancer or self-employed, you can now open a business account with dedicated N26 in minutes. These merchant accounts are quite similar to consumer accounts with additional features: You receive a discount of 0.1% on all purchases on your card.

Commercial accounts are available in all European countries where N26 is already running. You can not open an account for a separate company, but said the new trade features N26 will be available soon.

This is a quick summary of what you can do with an N26 account. You can control your real-time map of the application. For example, you can either block the foreign transaction or set a limit for ATM transactions because you rarely remove the species.

You can pay anywhere in the world with your N26 card, there are exchange rates or overseas transaction fees. You can also receive real-time notifications of your transactions on your phone if you care about security.

N26 already has 300 000 customers. Start clearly wants to recreate mainly a retail bank for European consumers. In its current state, commercial bank accounts seem to be a preliminary discussion. But it's interesting to note that it took little effort to customize the product for freelancers and self-employed.

Corporate bank accounts also appear to be another market. It starts with Qonto and Ibanfirst involved in bank accounts of companies with a different set of features when you compare with N26. But maybe the N26 for business bank accounts will be N26, after all.

As a side note, I used N26 as my main checking account for a few months now, and it was solid. I am very impressed with the N26 offer. It is clean, developed and reliable. I consider my bank account as an infrastructure, so that's all I need.


Mulheres representam apenas 17% das fundadoras de startups

A porcentagem de startups de negócios com pelo menos uma mulher como fundadora foi estável durante o primeiro trimestre de 2017.

O estudo inaugural da fundação de mulheres da base estadunidense das companhias CrunchBase foi publicado em Maio de 2015. A discussão a respeito da falta de mulheres nos times de engenharia levantou questões importantes.

Dois anos mais tarde, e com a mesma expansão do estudo no eco sistema global nós nos perguntamos: Qual a porcentagem de companhias que tem pelo menos uma mulher como fundadora? Esses dados mudaram desde 2009? Como as empresas fundadas por mulheres progridem no mercado?

Para o estudo em andamento, 43.008 companhias globais cuja fundação aconteceu entre 2009 e 2017 foram analisadas. Dessas companhias, 6781 (15.8%) tinham pelo menos uma mulher como fundadora. Os dados são revisados ano a ano, com os dados adicionados diariamente ao CrunchBase.

De 2009 a 2012, a porcentagem de empresas financiadas com capital de risco e por mulheres aumentou em 8%; entretanto, a porcentagem de empresas criadas por companhias com mulheres fundadoras alcançou 17% desde 2012. E quando se analisam os dados do primeiro trimestre de 2017, essa porcentagem não parece ter mudado.

*Startups fundadas por mulheres.

Em 2016, companhias com pelo menos uma mulher fundadora aumentaram em 19% no ciclo de crescimento.

Check out the newest Hoverbike prototype

From the Science and Innovation Park of Skolkovo, Russia, the creator of drones with carrying capacity, Hoversurf, has created a simple and efficient hoverbike.

Scorpion-3 is the upgraded version of the Scorpion-1 prototype, but it is, fundamentally, the same thing. The pilot sits on the motorcycle and flies, just as one would expect from a hoverbike, but there is still much to be improved so that it can fly at great speeds and distances, as in the movies.

Hoversurf sees the hoverbike as an "extreme sports instrument," and buying a hoverbike requires a high investment, but anyway, they are focused on the hoverbike's carrying capacity.

The hoverbike can be controlled by remote control or manually and the electric version lasts for up to 30 minutes; Already the hybrid version with fuel-based engine can last for up to one hour, which puts several other drones capable of carrying people aside.

Check out the video:


Scientists create self healing material to be used on smartphones

With this material, if your smartphone falls to the floor and the screen breaks you just have to wait until it automatically regenerates.

Scientists at the University of California (USA) have developed a material that can be used in the fabrication of smartphone screens and can regenerate itself after cracking or scratching.

Scientists conducted several tests on the material, including their ability to regenerate after cracks or scratches. In less than 24 hours the material was able to return to its original shape after being divided into two parts.

The material, which can stretch up to 50 times its original size, is made of a flexible polymer and iodized salt. The material has a different bonding type called ion-dipole interaction, referring to the force between charged ions and polar molecules. This means that when the material breaks or is scratched, the ions and molecules attract to regenerate the material.

A similar material has already been developed and is used in some models of smartphones of last generation, however, it is not able to conduct electricity, so it can not be used in screens, different from this material.

It is believed that the material will be in use in smartphones from 2020. And the future gets more and more interesting.

Ghost in the Shell may have $ 60 Million loss, but why?

The president of Paramount Pictures attempted to play most of the blame for the failure of Ghost in the Shell in the whitewashing controversy, the term "whitening," it is about scaling up white American actors for roles originally occupied by characters from other Ethnicities, but is this true?

The fact is: Paramount has spent more than $ 250 million on filmmaking, advertising and other spending, and so far has only raised $ 19 million in North America and $ 62 million in the rest of the world. But how could whitewashing have influenced the film's predictable failure?

Without extending much, as one of the funders of the film said:

"This is the amount of money you spend on a sequel, not an obscure piece of IP that only a few fanboys know about! Maybe you spend $ 35M or $ 40M on this and make a stylized art house film. "

Of course, in addition there were other factors that led to box office failure, such as the fact that the film brings an image of Hero's Journey, rather than a somber tale. Bringing a movie that has themes that have apparently been extensively exploited in the movies, based on an anime with a relatively small fanbase and expecting the film to raise $ 250 Million is a bit much, do not you think?

German Scientists create "artificial Sun"

German scientists began tests on Thursday of what became known as the "largest artificial sun in the world," which consists of a device with 149 light bulbs, officially called "Synlight." Thirty kilometers west of Cologne, the equipment uses short-arc Xenon lamps commonly found in cinemas, to simulate natural sunlight, which strikes Germany in a smaller amount in winter.

By concentrating all the light bulbs and a single 20-by-20-centimeter point, German scientists will be able to generate the equivalent of 10,000 times the amount of solar radiation that would normally reach the same surface, which can reach temperatures up to 3,000 degrees centigrade. An important step in testing the conditions for hydrogen production.

Believed that hydrogen will be the fuel of the future because it does not emit carbon when burned, which means it does not interfere with global warming. Since hydrogen does not arise naturally, it must first be produced by separating water into two substances in a process that currently requires enormous amounts of energy.

Sweden: advertisements promoting the right to make a difference

In Sweden, an amazing advertising campaign for the railway company SJ and putting forward the right to difference was widely shared on social networks. Their first video reunited nearly 640,000 views in a month and the second, posted a week ago, is already at 40,000 views.

In the first video, we see Pelle Pia Hedberg, a man of about fifty. He sits on the train and seems to hesitate, wearing a brave smile and putting earrings and nail polish under the eye of the train's passengers. Arrived on the quay, he is a smiling, proud woman with in sound background the acoustic resumption of "This is the way" of the Swedish musician E-type.

If the video has accumulated so many views, it is because Pelle Pia Hedberg is known in Sweden for having been dismissed from his position of director of sales, when his hierarchy knew that he was transsexual. The fact that it shows itself as it is in public space is in itself a victory, as on the second video where we see Niklas Hillberg, a man with a mental handicap. In a similar staging, we hear him say that he is a little special, strong but not very courageous. Then he appears on a large theater stage, dressed as a lion and surrounded by other actors, playing the play of the Wizard of Oz.

These spots are very intimate and that is probably why they are successful. The railway company SJ places the journey as symbolic of the personal journey, all under the gaze of others, the benevolence of the passengers on the train that reassures. This is what is most evident on social networks, videos are seen as a reminder that society is multiple and must accommodate all the differences in the public space.

In general, Swedish advertisements tend to focus on comedy, the happiness of family life or performance. There is a pub that could be similar, that of H & M, which had a sports campaign, a hymn to performance, with a voice-over from a man who was Caitlyn Jenner, a former athlete wife. But there, with this campaign for SJ, no celebrity or great exploits but rather normal people, even on the margins of society, who show their doubts and then overcome the eyes of others.

The Leica M10 camera, a beautiful toy ... at 6,500 euros

The latest addition to the legendary M series, the M10, responds to the wishes of lovers of beautiful shots, offering an excellent compromise between the pleasures of film and the demands of digital photography.

Leica is a dream dealer for any photo enthusiast. And the latest addition to the legendary M series, the M10, responds to the desires of lovers of beautiful shots, offering an excellent compromise between the old pleasures of film and the contemporary demands of digital.

To celebrate its 10 years in digital - the brand inaugurated this cycle with the M8-, the German manufacturer does not break with its DNA. First of all by remaining faithful to the beauty of the compact case. It also finds here the lines and thickness (33.7 mm) of the silver models (M6 and M7 in particular). It also persists in focusing through the ultra-precise telemetry triangulation viewfinder, which will require some training for novices. It is also manual (no autofocus of course!). It finally improves the comfort of the viewfinder which is here bigger. The magnification is superior (0,73x against 0,63x previously) ... And perfectly adapted for the 28 and 35 mm, the standard focal lengths.

Nothing to see then with the M8, launched in 2006 and which then inaugurated the series of digital M. We can regret the absence of the video (Leica claims a return to the essential and refers to its hybrid model, SL, for those who want to work video) and that of a touch screen (to navigate the menu). The German firm also wanted to simplify the buttons on the back of the device by offering direct access to the favorite menu.

The lesson of Stéphane Richard, beast of stage to the Steve Jobs, to the bosses of the Cac 40

At the Play Hall for his fifth "Hello Show" on April 20, the CEO of Orange is delivering a performance that none of his peers is willing to try.

This is the fifth time that Orange makes its "Hello show". Or rather that CEO Stephane Richard occupies the stage, in the manner of a veteran of the show. A unique performance - this morning was at the Sales play - while at this time of the year its peers of CAC 40 are constrained to the very controlled exercise of the general meeting of shareholders. Stéphane Richard is dreaming every year in Steve Jobs. One way to import this American Dream: easy for Orange to amaze the French scene, but it will be more difficult for him to truly challenge the Big names world of digital.

For all that, it really comes out of rank, within the hexagonal bosses. Nothing to see between reading the resolutions of AG or the PowerPoint financial results with the presentation of the boss of the CAC 40: totally obscure room, neat entrance behind the audience, scene discreetly emphasized, ballet of orange projectors, singer microphone Musical theater, discreetly installed prompters ... The "Hello show" is perfectly timed, and punctuated by the intervention of dancers-choristers, who allow the CEO to drink a little water and recharge for his next development.

In all four sequences, completed in less than 45 minutes, with a tempo of pro: a slightly too politically correct introduction on Orange and the carbon footprint halved for an "augmented planet"; A release on security with the launch of OrangeCyberDefense; A rhythmic presentation of new features, including "Djingo", a multi-tasking connected box that will be released in 2018, capable both of sending SMS on social networks or of fetching the best piece on the piano by Chilly Gonzales Of the boss, pianist at his hours) who tries to align Orange on its great American rivals - Amazon with Alexa, or Apple with Siri on the mobile or Google with Home -; And the big launch of the day, that of Orange Bank, "the first bank designed by digital experts".

Niel, Messier, Dufourcq ...

Other articles will make it possible to evaluate if the specifies of Orange Bank (gratuitousness and total instantaneous in particular) will give reason to Stéphane Richard, who sees a new era in which it is now the operators and the digital giants who will take the Leadership in the financial industry. The CEO nevertheless watched over his relations with the CAC 40 by stating that he had the greatest respect for "old and respectable" establishments - nothing to do so with the message of Xavier Niel of 2011 treating his traditional competitors of "thieves" And their customers of "pigeons".

But apart from this performance of the impertinent boss of Iliad at the time of the launch of Free mobile, it is hard to find "shows" of bosses as successful as that of Stéphane Richard. Perhaps we should go back to the Messier de Vivendi-Universal, before his fall ... Or revisit the big spectacle "Big" that ascended to the Accorhotels Arena of Bercy Nicolas Dufourcq, the general director of Bpi-france. We also remember the impressive heated tower of Frédéric Banzet, CEO of Citroën, presenting C4 Cactus alongside rally driver Sébastien Loeb, the music of Pharrel Williams in the background ... Stéphane Richard imposes himself, Every year, prepares for it ten days before, and this 20th of April, it has still done full house.

Orange Bank, a revolution for the banking sector?

On the occasion of the Hello Show this Thursday, the CEO of Orange Stéphane Richard launched the service Orange Bank, totally free. How does the operator intend to disrupt the banking sector? Can it be profitable? Our analysis.

"He was missing a bank in the bank," smiles, Stéphane Richard on the stage at Salle Pleyel. This Thursday morning, April 20, at the annual Orange Hello Show, he revealed the purpose and offers of his new service Orange Bank. An announcement as expected and ambitious. The CEO of the telephone company says that "the banking sector has not yet made a digital revolution. These companies are still thinking about usage, we want to think originaly about digital." Thus, Orange Bank will propose to open an account online via an application or with an adviser in an operator's shop. All operations, transfers or sending of documents will pass through this interface. Payment can be made by credit card or by credit card. And if you lose your credit card, you can block it in two clicks. No need to wait until Tuesday to scrutinize your spending on the weekend, movements on accounts will be instantaneous. And in case of problems, Orange has even foreseen the possibility of choosing a virtual consultant based on the IBM solution, available 24 hours a day, and a real expert who will call you within 5 minutes. Unexpected? "No charge card, account keeping or minimum wage, Orange Bank services are completely free," said Stéphane Richard who launches them on July 6. With this new service Orange wants to diversify, at a lower cost, at a time when the telecom market has become mature. Then, he wants to position himself on the mobile payment which is already one of its flagship services of Orange Money in several countries of Africa.

An unprofitable online banking sector

The CEO's ambitions are great. Orange Bank is targeting two million customers within 10 years. The term is cautiously far removed. But it took 16 years to ING Direct and more than 20 years to Boursorama, solidly backed by Société Générale, to reach one million accounts. "However, this comparison must be tempered by the fact that Orange already has a strong brand, that the group will support its bank on a physical network of shops but also on a base of 30 million customers to its telecom services" Pierre Guérin, managing consultant with the consulting firm Investance Partners. "From this point of view, it is the first actor who has the means to attack the traditional banks on their ground." A shared opinion among them: "We must not underestimate the capacities of this A major economic player to conquer many customers, said the boss of a major network bank. "Orange is accustomed to fight in a very competitive sector and can therefore transfer this capacity into the banking world."

Stéphane Richard's ambition is also about the effectiveness of Orange Bank's business model. It promises to break even in the next four or five years - while Boursorama and ING Direct are still not profitable. "This objective of profitability is really a matter of concern, especially as Orange Bank promises to invest in new tools and the training of some of its staff in bank offers that will have a cost," emphasizes Pierre Guérin.

A rare free service

The benefits will also be all the more difficult to reap as the tariff promise is free. A few days before the announcements, the head of a large banking group always dismissed the possibility of such a gratuity. Indeed, banks today have every difficulty in getting paid by placing deposits with their clients, at a time when interbank interest rates remain negative. For a little more than a year, the vast majority of "hard" establishments have had to switch to a fee structure to compensate for this phenomenon - including La Banque Postale, which charges 12 euros per year.

Most online establishments do, of course, offer free of charge - but this measure partly explains their lack of benefits. Marie Cheval, CEO of Boursorama, acknowledged at the time of the launch of a new account for young people in the autumn that she owed her freehold to the defending body because of the persistence of low rates .

Orange Bank will offer only one type of fee at first: a payment for customers who use the credit card less than three times a month, in order to retain its users. "Services are bound to evolve day after day. Secondly, credits could be offered, as well as insurance and real estate services. These activities will pay off, "they say at Orange without detail.

Difficulties to predict

Is the business plan of Orange Bank realistic under these conditions? Observers and competitors remain divided. "When ING arrived on the French market, a large number of analysts pronounced the death sentence of the classic bank" brick and mortar ", reports a consultant specialized in the sector. Today, pure players do not weigh more than 5% or 6% of the market. And when I see the power and results of Agriculture Credit with its 7,000 agencies, I think the revolution is not for now. "He adds that the telecoms operator will have to improve his services and customer relations significantly in order to settle in the landscape:" Operators are now dealing with bugs (network breakdown, chaotic line transfers ...) Will simply not be bearable in the banking world. No one will accept, identically, that a transfer of salary has been omitted on a statement of account ... "

Orange Bank has experienced difficulties in starting up: planned for the beginning of the year, the service will not see the day before the summer. Industry experts say that the operator has increased the number of IT contracts in recent weeks to allow the announcement of the Hello Show. The reason for these delays? The operator was not able to create a bank computer complex ex. It therefore had to rely on that of Groupama Bank, bought to sit Orange Bank. However, the system clearly lacked the flexibility needed to get into start-up mode ...

Richard in start-up mode

Because Stéphane Richard is rightly seen as the boss of a large digital company, he no longer thinks like a classic operator. Like a start-up that launches into a virgin market, it aims to conquer the online banking market as quickly as possible, to win massive users very quickly, even if it is to offer its services free of charge. This is the Silicon Valley tech box method to win the race to winner takes it all. In the second step, their economic model will evolve according to the difficulties encountered and new opportunities for cash inflows ... and to evolve in a high degree of uncertainty.

These elements do not prevent the large establishments of the French banking place from being seized of a visible fever with the arrival of this competitor in a context already agitated. The announcement of the launch of Orange Bank follows slightly that of Carrefour, which "sells" its bank accounts C-Zam to 5 euros in the shelves of its hypermarkets. Nor is it a coincidence that on April 4, BNP Paribas announced the acquisition of Compte Nickel. Impossible for the establishment of the Rue d'Antin to remain absent from the segment of the new banks.


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